Legal Blogging: Are You Writing the Wrong Blog Topics?

Law Firm Blogging Mistakes
Blog Mistakes Law Firms Make

With over 7,000 legal blogs currently on the Internet, it is clear that legal blogging is alive and well. In fact, for the better part of a decade, law firms have incorporated blogs as a means of bringing in high-quality clients. Just as relationships and a solid reputation have always been the best strategies for building a successful law firm, a legal blog can be both a relationship and reputation accelerator. As the number of legal blogs continues to increase, the question arises as to what makes one legal blog successful and another much less successful? There are potentially a myriad of answers to this extremely important question.

Is Your Legal Blog Updated on a Regular Basis?

Perhaps one of the first issues you need to tackle is to determine whether you actually have the time to commit to updating your legal blog on a regular basis. While we all start a legal blog with the best of intentions, it is easy to let life and commitments get in the way. Soon, the blog which had your full attention and was being updated twice a week faithfully, has fallen into a state of neglect. This is the point where you must make the decision to 1) forget about your legal blog entirely, 2) Find the time to update your legal blog regularly, or 3) hire an experienced, legal blog writer who can ensure your blog is updated regularly with informative, engaging copy on the legal subjects you choose. Whatever you decide, remember that blogs live or die simply on the frequency of updates. A high-quality legal blog published a minimum of 4-8 times per month can make a huge difference in your conversion rates.

Avoid Writing the Wrong Blog Topics

If the subject matter of your blog posts is not engaging and informative as well as geared toward your target audience, then posting on a regular basis may not help your business grow. It is important to first identify the type of clients you want to attract. Successful blogs focus on specific practice areas geared toward a targeted audience. The successful blog topic will increase your network of relationships, establish you as an expert on the subject matter, enhance your reputation and increase the number of high-quality clients you bring in. Sounds like a tall order, right? The topic of your legal blog is an important decision—as well as the first point where everything can go wrong. When choosing legal blog topics, consider the following:

  • Avoid choosing topics you are passionate about, but few other people would be as interested;
  • Avoid choosing topics which are so legally complex that few non-attorney readers would be able to make it to the end of the page;
  • Ensure your blog topic is very focused in order to avoid losing your readers’ interest;
  • Make a list of blog topic ideas, then go back and narrow those ideas into a more targeted topic;
  • Keep up with what is happening within your legal niche and use current events as blog topics;
  • Use your legal blog to announce your law firm’s news as well as to explore timely events;
  • Make a list of what you want your legal blog to accomplish, and
  • Take the time to read some of your competitor’s legal blogs. Consider what is good about them, or what you don’t like.

If you have developed a good working relationship with an experienced legal blogger, then you can rest assured your blog topics will be timely, informative and engaging. Your blog’s online marketing potential will be significantly maximized when you work with a skilled legal copywriter who understands your vision for your legal blog. Having a legal blog writer as part of your Internet marketing team can help brand your firm as an authority in your field, improve the overall ranking of your website, show potential clients there is a voice behind your brand, increase site traffic, provide credible, relevant information, and offer copy which answers clients’ questions while educating them on legal issues.

If you are seeking engaging and dynamic copy for your law firm’s blog or website, give us a call. We can help you keep your legal blog up-to-date and filled with fresh, SEO content that will drive traffic to your law firm and establish your firm as an authority to call. You can even try our services for FREE~ just ask us how! Contact Ferrar Copywriters today for a free consultation and review of your website and blog – fill out our contact form and we’ll respond within 24 hours!

Published by Bonnie Ferrar

President and Senior Content writer for Ferrar Copywriters--a small boutique writing firm specializing in website content, blogging, social media content, website design, and Facebook management.

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